April 2012

Peritoneal Mesothelioma Treatment Options to Consider


By the time it is diagnosed, it will have spread to other organs making it very deadly. However there are several methods of treatment that have been developed for Peritoneal Mesothelioma Treatment which helps to make the patients comfortable and also lengthen their lives.
The first commonly used method for Peritoneal Mesothelioma cancer treatment is through surgery. This involves removal cancer tumors and the surrounding infected tissues. This will help to eradicate the cancer, suppress its growth or just relieve the symptoms. Surgery is always done with combination of other treatment methods e.g. radiation and chemotherapy. It is however important to note that surgery comes with other related risks like death, infection to other organs among others. The success of surgery depends on several factors among them age of the patient, level of spread of the cancer among other factors.
Chemotherapy is another treatment option for periodontal mesothelioma. It involves use of different chemotherapy drugs which are administered either as pills or injections. Chemotherapy helps to stop the growth and spread of tumors and also to relieve cancer symptoms. Chemotherapy has several side effects for example nausea, vomiting, loss of weight and loss of hair. However these side effects clear very fast after finishing the medication.
Another method used to treat peritoneal mesothelioma is radiation. A beam of high energy for example X-ray is directed to the infected cells. The radiation kills cancerous cell or helps to suppress their growth and also reducing the symptoms of the cancer. Several factors are considered before choosing radiation as the treatment option for example organs close to the tumor may dictate whether to use radiation or not. Radiation is rarely used alone but rather it's used in combination with other treatment options e.g. chemotherapy and surgery. Radiation may cause the patient to feel nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and fatigue.
Another treatment option for peritoneal mesothelioma is paracentesis. This procedure is carried out to aid in reliving cancer symptoms and not for treatment or cure purposes. Thin needles are inserted into the tumors and they are used to suck cancer fluids. This helps to reduce pain for several days before other treatment methods can be carried out.
There is also another common option in modern times called immunotherapy treatment. This procedure is commonly used together with chemotherapy. It involves introducing new agents into the blood stream that helps to boost the immune system making it able to fight the growth and spread of cancer cancerous tumors. It has fewer side effects and therefore it's more desirable than the older option for example radiation that might hurt other organs.
The author has written many articles relating to peritoneal mesothelioma treatment and the effects on the body due to exposure to asbestos. It is very important that individuals understand different options available to them once they have been diagnosed with this horrible disease.

Mesothelioma Facts & Info


Mesothelioma cancer is caused by the inhalation, or swallowing, of asbestos. Nearly 3,000 people are stricken with this disease each year. It is most commonly obtained through exposure on work sites such as those involving old buildings, roofing, or any job that requires handling vast amounts of steel and iron.
Asbestos was once considered an instant solution to projects which required the use of binding materials. It was inexpensive, easy to make, and readily available. Asbestos is a naturally- found fiber. The fragments are so small that the human eye cannot see them, and they have no smell or taste, so it is difficult to tell if you have been exposed to these fibers. They build up in the body, and do not cause problems right away. In some cases, it can take decades for the damage from asbestos to be noticed in the body.
As dangerous a resource that asbestos is, it has yet to be banned in the United States, although many people believe it is. Due to this fact, numerous people have been needlessly exposed to asbestos. In addition, they do not even realize it until the damage is irreversible.
When working with asbestos, it is wise to use protection, such as a breathing mask, to prevent one from inhaling these fibers. If you are working with this product also wear gloves and refrain from touching your mouth or the interior of your nostrils.
If for some reason you are in contact with asbestos and proper protection cannot be provided, do not handle the material. It would be wise for you use machinery, rather than your hands. The further you can stay away from any material containing asbestos, the better. Its fiber strands are extremely small and this toxin stays airborne for a period, much like dust.
Mesothelioma cancer occurs in the mesothelium, which is a thin layer of cells that surrounds several organs of the chest, abdomen, and heart. The mesothelium serves our bodies as a spacer between the various organs and reduces friction with fluid.
This particular cancer is quiet aggressive. Often the victim does not realize they have it until the cancer is already in its later stages of development. Luckily, with the advances in modern day medicine, mesothelioma can be diagnosed at an earlier stage of its progression and treatments can be started in order to enhance your chances of survival and increase your life expectancy.
If you think you might have mesothelioma, you should see your doctor immediately and speak with him or her about your symptoms. Working with a doctor, as with all illness and disease, will greatly increase your chances of surviving mesothelioma.
If you do have mesothelioma, you may want to consider contacting a lawyer about the circumstances during which you contracted this frightening cancer. As in many cases of cancer, your illness probably could have been prevented. When this is the case, someone should be held responsible.

Mesothelioma an Aggressive Cancer


Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer type with no cure yet. The leading cause of this disease is exposure to asbestos, which is a naturally occurring silicate. No amount of asbestos exposure is safe although this disease develops after chronic exposure. Between the exposure itself and the mesothelioma cancer detection usually there is a 20 to 40 (even 50 years) years elapse. In the development of the mesothelioma cancer the long exposure time is of decisive importance, just as the type of asbestos and the fiber size. Asbestos today is banned from construction and all of the other industries, which a few decades ago frequently used it.
Mesothelioma is often mistaken to lung cancer because it mostly affects the pleura (thoracic cavity) among other thin membranes, which cover the organs in our body.
Other membranes where mesothelioma develops are: the peritoneum (in the abdominal cavity) the pericardium (fibroserous sac which encloses the heart), and the tunica vaginalis (serous membrane, which covers the front and sides of the testis and epididymis).
The general mesothelioma symptoms are: cough, husky voice, shortness of breath or difficulty to breathe, difficulty while swallowing, chest pain or abdominal swelling and pain, fatigue, anemia, the loss of appetite, weight loss, cachexia, fluid in the chest or abdomen, inability to sleep.
It is very difficult to diagnose mesothelioma and to connect the symptoms with the cancer because many of the symptoms can easily be mistaken for other more common, not life threatening diseases like heart disease, flu, pneumonia or bronchitis.
As mentioned above there are three main types of mesothelioma cancers: malignant pleural mesothelioma, malignant pericardial mesothelioma and malignant peritoneal mesothelioma.
Other occurring mesothelioma types (not very common): testicular, epithelial, biphasic, cystic, liver, brain, papillary, adenocarcinoma, sarcomatoid and desmoplastic mesothelioma.
There are three main options for treating mesothelioma cancer: surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. These three treatment options are often combined for an effective treatment. During surgery, the cancer cells are removed and post-surgery mesothelioma doctors usually use radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Treating mesothelioma cancer with these methods will give the patients a possible extension of five years to their lives. Additional treatments used by mesothelioma doctors are anti-angiogenesis drugs, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation therapy, gene therapy, immunotherapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, and intraoperative photodynamic therapy.
In order to treat efficiently a mesothelioma cancer patient a unified and effective cooperation of general practitioners, epidemiologists, pathologists, thoracic surgeons, radiation therapists, oncologists, rehabilitation specialists and psychotherapists is required.
Find out more about mesothelioma victims. Contact a mesothelioma doctor in your area.

Mesothelioma Cancer & Lawyers


Special help is available to victims of Asbestos in industrial units and plants where exposure to this particular element is very high. Cancer of the lungs is caused by deadly fiber which is in the air at the workplaces. It is an incurable deadly disease. Pleural mesothelioma is found in the lung lining. Cancer found in the abdomen is known as peritoneal mesothelioma, and that of the heart is pericardial mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma Cancer and Mesothelioma Lawyers are in news today. Asbestos is being widely used all over the world by people in some form or another. Chemical Plants, Mechanical Plants, Pulp and Paper Industry, Refineries, Industrial Plants, Factories, Construction Material Companies, Shipbuilding industry, Railroads, Power Plants, Textile Industry and other Manufacturing Plants are all using this deadly substance.
Earlier the material was appreciated for its erosion, heat and fire resistant qualities. Occupational hazard was there for all who worked with it; but the workers were given no guidance about how to protect themselves from it. People working near boilers, hot water pipes refrigerated storages and vats etc. never came to know about the dangerous circumstances under which they worked until it was too late.
Victims of Mesothelioma Cancer have Mesothelioma Lawyers fighting for their well being. Mesothelioma law firms are providing best services to sufferers and their families. They are able to get good compensation for the sick and the families of deceased as the case may be. Clapper, Patti, Schweizer & Mason are one of the topmost firms in California. Belluck & Fox, LLP is another well known name in the field of lawyers mesothelioma, New York. Simon Greenstone Panatier Barlett, PC defends mesothelioma victims with full involvement in the case.
Mesothelioma Cancer and Mesothelioma Lawyers are both related to a serious issue. Mesothelioma Lawyers can be contracted from the very first day of being diagnosed as a victim of asbestos. The expensive treatment becomes easier on the patient and other family members during the duration of the lawsuit with help from their expert lawyer. A good lawyer does all the research that is to be done in the victim's case. The trial becomes easy as the appeal is heard within no great time taken, money is recovered for the injury that has been caused to the patient and his near ones without much hurdles in the recovery process. Industrialists and Corporatists are handled with extreme dexterity by the trained and knowledgeable lawyers.

What Are the Treatment Options ?


Mesothelioma is a disease of the lungs caused by asbestos. Its symptoms are very grave and often makes patients very uncomfortable. It is very important and helpful to the patient to discover the disease on time otherwise the prognosis will be poor and the patient dies. For some reasons, women stand a better chance of surviving the disease than disease. This perhaps is due to some underling genetic factor. Over the years, scientists and researchers have come up with various methods of treating Mesothelioma. Of all the various methods the three most common treatment options include: the use of surgical intervention, the use of radiation techniques and chemotherapy intervention. The normal practise is to combine this treatment strategies so as to get good response. Let us now take an indept look at this modes of treatment one after the other.
Surgery in mesothelioma can be done by wide local excision or pleurodesis. wide local excision is a kind of procedure used to remove a small area of diseased tissue with some areas of normal, undiseased tissue. This type of surgery is normally performed on the breast and to skin lesions. Pleurodesis on the other hand, is a surgical procedure in which the pleural space is artificially obliterated. This is done to prevent the reoccurence of pnemothorax or pleural effusion caused by mesothelioma. Pleurodesis can also be done by the use of chemicals without surgical intervention. We now proceed to discuss chemotherapy as a treatment option in mesothelioma..
Chemotherapy is the simply the use of chemicals namely drugs to kill cancer cells. Drugs may be administered orally through other routes of administrtion such as directly into the spinal column. The drug of choice in treating mesothelioma is permetrexed( trade name: Alimta). It is administered in a 21 day cycle. Permetrexed is however not alone but combined with a platinum based compound called cisplatin for synergism. Patients on Alimta will be expected to also take folic acid and vitamin B12 to lower the side effects. Other chemodrugs include: vinorelbine, onconase, gemcitabine, e.t.c. Common side-effects of chemodrugs are: nausea and vomitting, constipation, fever, decreased white blood cell count which makes the patient prone to infections, and depression.
Radiation in mesothelioma may be internal or external. Internal radiation is also known as brachythereapy. Here, the internal radiation source is implanted within the patient. The external radiation involves an external beam radiation. Radiation is particularly useful against cancers that divide rapidly such as mesothelioma.
David is expert on mesothelioma For more visit this mesothelioma site.

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